James Dayton

James Dayton (I)

Data urodzenia
Data śmierci
1924-08-18, Los Angeles, Kalifornia, USA
Twoja ocena
Shadows of the West
- 1921
Hornet's Nest
- 1919
The Jewel of Death
- 1917
The Beauty Doctor
- 1917
Jerry's Victory
- 1917
The Dupe
- 1916/I
The Family Secret
- 1916
On Dangerous Ground
- 1916
- 1916
The Boy from the Gilded East
- 1916
On Dangerous Ground
- 1915
Where the Forest Ends
- 1915
To Redeem an Oath
- 1915
The Grim Messenger
- 1915
From Italy's Shores
- 1915
The Nightmare of a Movie Fan
- 1915
The Scarlet Sin
- 1915
Lord Barrington's Estate
- 1915
Mrs. Plum's Pudding
- 1915
The Suburban
- 1915
The Fair God of Sun Island
- 1915
On the Level
- 1915
Inside Facts
- 1915
Mrs. Prune's Boarding House
- 1915
The Lion's Ward
- 1915
Stage Struck
- 1915
The Sheriff of Red Rock Gulch
- 1915
A Millionaire for a Minute
- 1915
Maid of the Mist
- 1915
The Bay of Seven Isles
- 1915
The Prophet of the Hills
- 1915
Things in the Bottom Drawer
- 1915
The Social Lion
- 1915
His Last Serenade
- 1915
Called Back
- 1914/I
A Flash in the Dark
- 1914
- 1914
Toilers of the Sea
- 1914
On the Verge of War
- 1914
The Spy
- 1914
The Sob Sister
- 1914
The Actress
- 1914
Her Life's Story
- 1914
Damon and Pythias
- 1914
The Chorus Girl's Thanksgiving
- 1914
The Death Stone of India
- 1913
Sheridan's Ride
- 1913
The Vengeance of the Skystone
- 1913
In Slavery Days
- 1913
His Priceless Treasure
- 1913
A Diplomat Interrupted
- 1912
As Told by Princess Bess
- 1912
Old Billy
- 1911
Twoja ocena
Lieutenant Grey of the Confederacy
- 1911
Making a Man of Him
- 1911
- 1911
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Znana również jako:

  • Walker James Niceware (nazwisko rodowe)
  • Mr. Dayton (alternatywna pisownia)

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